Wednesday, November 26, 2014

How We "DO" Thanksgiving

With the holiday season comes longer grocery store lines. This gives me the chance to peruse magazines while waiting. Last week, I got to flip through the November issue of The Food Network Magazine. There was this really cool article where some of their Chefs answered questions about how they do Thanksgiving. I thought it would be fun to share a little about our "trends" in the last seven Thanksgiving meals together.

Question #1: What time is “mealtime” on Thanksgiving Day for you? Most of my Thanksgiving celebrations have always been a late afternoon meal. As a kid, we always got together at someone's house around 11am nibbled on finger foods and appetizers and just spent the time preparing food and laughing together. The same is mostly true now, we just don't always get together so early but there is always appetizers and food prep.

Question #2: What’s your Worst Thanksgiving Disaster? I haven't had too many cooking disasters during holiday meals. That is Berkeley's department. Our first Thanksgiving, he dropped a pie and our second or third Thanksgiving he nearly lost the whole bird.

Questions #3: Do you Brine your Turkey or No Brine? Yes! The last four years Berkeley has used a brine on our turkey before smoking it.

Question #4: Do you have an “oddball dish” that you serve at Thanksgiving Dinner? Occasionally, we make an Apple Salad with a tangy yogurt dressing. Also, a Carrot Raisin salad makes an appearance every now and then as well. That is about as "oddball" as it gets though.

Question #5: Stuffing… do you put it in the bird or out of the bird? Outside! Always. The End. Haha! The more specific answer is that smoking stuffing doesn't turn out well.

Question #6: What is your pie of choice? Oh pie! I love pie! Since I am only going off of our last seven years I guess I am going to say my Nantucket Cranberry Pie. My old standby was my mom's mincemeat pie. I don't think many people make them anymore but that was my favorite as a kid.

Question #7: What are you most thankful for? This year I am particularly filled with all kinds of  emotions and feeling immensely blessed. Right now, I am so incredibly thankful for our family, our friends, and for all the love and excitement for this little one. Of course, my Thanksgivings (or my life) would not be what they have been if it weren't for Berkeley.

I hope you all have a fantastic holiday this week. Enjoy your food. Enjoy your family! And if you want to share any of your Thanksgiving traditions or answer any of the questions. I'd love to read your responses!

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