Sunday, March 25, 2012

Trying Something New

So I always say I am going to post all of the pictures from all of the projects I am working on, and let's face it, it really never happens, or they come late. A lot of that has to do with the lighting in this apartment. It doesn't make for good pictures of the books and projects I have been working on. Like, summer and holiday never got a finishing post. I didn't even show any of the books I made at the workshop! I'm terrible, I know!

Recently, I came across some posts that included at video portion to the post about progress in Project Life. And I have done a few dry runs talking about the books aloud and recording it. It is something that may work out better in the long run for me. But it may not. Plus the people that read this blog may hate it too. So tell me, would you people out in blogland be interested in video updates?
Would you be interested in video updates? free polls

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