We got spend some time with our favorite little humans. They had moved over the summer so it was great having them for a few hours. It also made us sad that we are missing out on so much of their growing up. Most of all, it really made us realize how much we want our own soonish!
I don't discuss my faith much here but this month we were witness to two baptisms. Each baptism was unique and beautiful. I am always so uplifted and encouraged when we get to share this milestone. It is so great feeling our community support a new brother or sister.
I was talking with a crafty friend recently about what projects we have been working on. She mentioned that she hadn't seen any updates with my 2013 Project Life and wondered if I was still keeping up. The answer is yes and no. The photo above is from week 40 my most complete week since August. Clearly there aren't many pictures, but the layout mock ups and journaling are getting done. Mostly I just need to send my photos for a huge print order and sit down and get all the finishing touches on it. One thing that has helped keep up is using large format photos. There are a few weeks from August and September that I just couldn't handle doing all the details for so adding a full 12x12 or 8x10 photo really helped.