Monday, February 8, 2016

Around Here

Around here we are getting the odds and ends squared away in the new house. We still have plenty of boxes to get through but the most important things are in place. Above, you can see a little photo walk thru slideshow that we shared with our families the day we got keys.

Around here we are trying new things. We have been watching Nurse Jackie in the evenings after the kiddo is in bed. I know, I know. We are so late to the game with this one, but wow! this show is great. "Totchos" are now a staple! We've been experimenting with toppings. So far our favorite combination is BBQ Bacon Dog Totchos.

Around here we are celebrating a work promotion for Berkeley! We really weren't expecting it but it is so very welcome. Thankfully, this promotion has us in the White Mountains for plenty of years to come. It is so comforting to know that we won't have to move again for awhile now unless we want to. And believe me after two moves in 6 months, I am ready to plants some roots.

Lastly, I am on the hunt for a new planner. I had been using a Moleskine 18m weekly notebook but they aren't available for 2016-2017 yet so I am considering switching to something new. What do you use?

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