Friday, September 28, 2012

Currently.... Farm Style

drinking coffee instead of tea which is my normal fall staple
appreciating everything my family does for us and the amount of love that radiates from this wonderful group of people.
laughing at the silly things animals do to get your attention.
eating homegrown tomatoes, easily one of the things I miss most about country living.
anxious for Fire Season to be over.
prepping myself for the drive back to Flagstaff to an empty apartment.
dressing up, playing pretend, enjoying company. (more on this later)
opening the windows at night.
sleeping soundly until 5am when the neighborhood rooster gets closer to my sister's house.
remembering all the wonderful new life that is always happening on the farm, not just in spring.
wearing blue jeans, grubby shirts, and ball caps. Cute country is for the internet and does not exist in real life. Or maybe in the time it takes to walk to the hay house to chuck bales. 
hanging out in the creek.
snuggling brand new farm dog puppies.
feeding horses. and chickens. and llamas? Oh my!
making the most of this trip. I feel like a social butterfly when all I want to do is relax. 
feeling refreshed.
missing being so close to everyone that I love all the time. 
considering the requirements needed for moving us back here. 
embracing every minute of this trip.
reminding myself that I can only handle so much of this farm life before I go a little insane.
having crazy urges to start our own family.
covered in dirt, hay, grim, and sweat.
listening all the small noises coming from the other living animals around me.
crying over all the craziness that is about to hit me in the next 6 weeks (excitement tears).
acknowledging the progress I have made personally this year. There were set-backs but I have found some ladies that get it, that have really pushed me forward.
enjoying the not-so-quiet quiet.
thankful for the blessings that we have in this life.
joining  Ali Edwards and sharing my life and my story right now!

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